SPARK parent partners are the specially trained home visitors who help SPARK families get ready for kindergarten. They make monthly home visits, give families free books and activity kits, and empower parents to be effective as their children’s first teacher.
Parent partners also administer developmental screenings to make sure children are on track and identify issues preventing school readiness. Screening results are also used to develop the child’s individualized learning plan.
SPARK parent partners work hard to cultivate parent engagement, because parent engagement has a significantly positive effect on a child’s success. The bond between the parent partner and the family facilitates trust, engagement, and learning.
Parent partners take the time to listen to parents and help them with their concerns. If a child needs special support to allow for healthy development, parent partners can assist families in connecting to community resources that offer speech or language assistance and social or emotional support. The parent partner can also connect the family with community resources that help with basic needs, like medical treatment, a place to live, or food to eat.